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May/June 2010

Bracewell & Giuliani Hosts Minute Mentoring Program

By Carrin F. Patman and Catherine Ozdogan

Future women leaders from around Houston gained unique perspectives and advice from some of the country's most successful women in business, law, journalism and politics at a Minute Mentoring event, organized and hosted by Bracewell & Giuliani LLP at its downtown Houston
office on February 5, 2010.

Attendees of this unique workshop benefited from the knowledge and career advice of women such as event co-founders Dana Perino, former white house spokesperson for president George W. Bush; Dee Martin, partner, Bracewell & Giuliani; and former U.S. Congresswoman Susan Molinari, now a senior principal with Bracewell & Giuliani. Perino teamed up with Martin and Molinari to create Minute Mentoring, a round robin-style forum in which accomplished female professionals share their experiences with their young professional counterparts during rapid-fire meetings.

"Mentoring opportunities for young women are too few and far between," said Perino. "Supply can't keep up with demand. Minute Mentoring is a program that brings together women of exceptional accomplishment with younger women anxious to follow in their footsteps."

"We've come a long way in the workforce, but that doesn't mean we don't still have to overcome more hurdles—lots of them," said Molinari. "The mentors participating today have broken barriers to be successful, and they're anxious to share their experiences with those who will benefit," added Molinari.

The Houston event builds on the success of the first Minute Mentoring event, held at Bracewell & Giuliani's Washington, DC office in November 2009. The firm plans to host a similar event at its New York office and to expand the program to other cities across the country. In her opening remarks to the assembly, Perino noted that through the program Web site, www.minutementoring.com, she has received inquiries from all over the world about hosting similar events.

In addition to Perino, Martin and Molinari, Houston mentors included political leaders U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, 18th District of Texas and Annise Parker, mayor, City of Houston; as well as business leaders Carolyn Benton Aiman, senior corporate counsel, Shell Oil Company; Jean Becker, chief of staff to Former President George H.W. Bush; Michelle Bleiberg, director, Burson-Marsteller Public Affairs; Deborah M. Cannon, president and CEO, Houston Zoo; Kimberly Allen Dang, chief financial officer and vice president, investor relations, Kinder Morgan; Mary Flood, legal reporter, Houston Chronicle; Victoria M. Garcia, partner, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP; Laura Goldberg, business editor, Houston Chronicle; Melody Meyer, president, Chevron Energy Technology Company; Roberta Ness, president, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Roxann S. Neumann, senior vice president corporate affairs, Silver Eagle Distributors, L.P.; Cisselon Nichols Hurd, senior litigation counsel, Shell Oil Company; Carrin F. Patman, partner, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP; Charlene A. Ripley, senior vice president and corporate counsel, Linn Energy, LLC; Jennifer L. Vogel, senior vice president, general counsel, secretary and chief compliance officer, Continental Airlines; and Jennifer M. Weston, partner, Bracewell & Giuliani LLP.

The event began with an address by former first lady Barbara Bush, and included her 10 rules to live by, including: "Don't take yourself too seriously or anything too personally," and "Don't
be afraid to take chances—you never know where they'll take you." In remarks interlaced with a wry humor, Bush spoke eloquently of finding one's passion and showing kindness to others. The simple truths that stand the test of time took on a whole new resonance when spoken by a woman who has seen and lived an extraordinary life in her 84 years. This is the goal of Minute Mentoring—women helping women by sharing information, life experiences and advice, with the hope that the knowledge will continue to be passed along to friends and colleagues.

After opening remarks, mentees and mentors convened in small groups in designated meeting rooms, where they shared experiences and best practices regarding career and leadership goals. Mentees were allowed to rotate to new mentors every ten minutes. Mentees were provided with pre-printed books of mentor biographies with space on each page for the purpose of writing down the tips passed along in the sessions.

At the conclusion of the speed rounds, mentees and mentors gathered together again for cocktails and continued networking. Perhaps today's mentees will become tomorrow's mentors. In any case, for those in attendance, it felt like the beginning of something big.

Carrin F. Patman and Catherine Ozdogan are partners in the Houston office of Bracewell & Giuliani LLP.
